Declaration of conformity
A declaration of conformity is a legal document issued by the manufacturer or importer of the product (i.e. the person responsible for the product’s conformity) declaring that they have taken steps to ensure that their product conforms with the requirements of the RCD 2013/53/EU. A declaration of conformity must always be issued for products placed on the EEA market that fall in the scope of the RCD 2013/53/EU.
By signing and issuing the declaration of conformity the manufacturer or importer formally assumes responsibility for the compliance of the product. The DOC can be drawn up by the authorised representative of the manufacturer. Whoever draws up the DOC must keep it stored and reproducible for a minimum of 10 years. Any distributors of products that fall within the scope of RCD 2013/53/EU must assure that any products within their inventory have a declaration of conformity.
The DOC must be issued in a language, or languages, required by the Member state in which the product is placed on the market or put into service (decision 768/2008/EC Article R10.2).
A DOC for RCD 2013/53/EU needs to have at least the following information:
- Product, batch, type, or serial number
- Name and address of the manufacturer or his authorised representative [The authorised representative must also give the business name and address of the manufacturer] or the private importer.
- A declaration that the DOC is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer or the private importer or the person referred to in Article 19(3) or (4) of Directive 2013/53/EU.
- Object of the declaration (identification of product allowing traceability. It may include a photograph, where appropriate).
- A declaration that the DOC means that the product is in conformity with the relevant Union Harmonisation Legislation.
- References to the relevant harmonised standards used or references to the other technical specifications in relation to which conformity is declared.
- If applicable, the name and nando number of the notified body that issued the, a description of the performed activities, and the issued certificate number.
- Identification of the person empowered to sign on behalf of the manufacturer or his authorised representative.
The RSG Group ADCO committee has approved a DOC template for use in the recreational craft. You can download it here: DOC ADCO VERSION. Filling in this document provides you with a DOC that conforms to the relevant requirments.