EMCI Register appointed for RCD 2013/53/EU
EMCI Register has officially been appointed as a notified body to certify under the Recreational Craft Directive 2013/53/EU. The appointment was made official as per the official Dutch government gazette (Staatscourant 2019, 52190). The official appointment can be found here: https://zoek.officielebekendmakingen.nl/stcrt-2019-52190.html.
EMCI Register can now start helping you with CE Certification for your recreational craft and components. Our scope means that we can certify all types of recreational craft and components in accordance with Modules A1, B, F, G, and PCA of the RCD 2013/53/EU.
We are excited to finally be able to get started and provide certifications. Over the coming months, we look forward to meeting all parties from the Recreational Craft Sector. We are also happy to answer any questions that you may have – our door is always open.
Our scope can be found here: https://ec.europa.eu/growth/tools-databases/nando/index.cfm?fuseaction=notification.pdf&dir_id=153461&ntf_id=303430
The EMCI Register NANDO page can be found here: https://ec.europa.eu/growth/tools-databases/nando/index.cfm?fuseaction=directive.nb&body_type=NB&refe_cd=NANDO_INPUT_248983
EMCI Register can also be found on the official Dutch government page: https://www.ilent.nl/onderwerpen/pleziervaart/pleziervaartuigen-ce-markering