New RSG guidelines published

The new RSG Guidelines have been published. It includes all the RFUs, ERFUs and harmonized standards in force.
The RSG Guidelines are prepared to assist with the conformity assessment procedures undertaken by Notified Bodies for recreational craft, personal watercraft, their components and their engines, in accordance with the Directive 2013/53/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, dated 20 November 2013 on recreational craft and personal watercraft and repealing Directive 94/25/EC as amended. This Directive lays down the requirements for the assessment procedures to be followed by manufacturers when demonstrating conformity of their products. The English text of the Recreational Craft Directive (RCD) is the basic text used for a common understanding within the Recreational Craft Sectoral Group (RSG).
Since these Guidelines provide information about watercraft and engines outside those conformity assessment procedures undertaken by Notified Bodies, this information is provided as guidance only.
You can download the guidelines by clicking here.