COVID-19 | Situation update
The COVID-19 situation presents everyone with a remarkable challenge. At this time it is crucial to take precautions to avoid unnecessary risks and spreading of the virus. The current situation in Europe is changing rapidly with regards to measures taken by various national governments to combat the virus. For as long as it is legally allowed EMCI Register will continue to provide operate normally. We will, however, take certain precautions and head the advice of the Dutch government (RIVM) and the European Commission.
Currently we are implementing the following:
- EMCI Register will send a maximum of two lead auditors to any inspection on-site where this is required. One is always preferred.
- We will make full use of the audit application and video conferencing tools such as skype. Unless presence is required on the Craft all assessment activities will take place online.
- We are allowing free access to the audit application for clients to help with their conformity assessment procedures and ensure they can easily upload information and help with the conformity assessment procedures to avoid requiring on-site activities.
- EMCI Register office operations will be staffed with a 3-man essential team. All other personnel will work from home. This will not cause disturbance or delays as all work already happens 100% remotely.
- Any regularly scheduled meetings or training days have been postponed.
- Any on-site training days for our lead auditors and auditors-in-training have been cancelled.
- Lead auditors must, on request, wear PPE and keep 1.5 meter distance during inspections.
- EMCI Register office operations will update lead auditors of required changes to procedures personally to ensure no delay in their implementation.
EMCI Register will monitor the situation in the European Union and will update clients if changes may delay their ability to achieve certification. We hope you will understand if this does happen.
We will use this page with more information if the situation changes. Do you want to be kept up to date? Please subscribe to our mailing list and you will receive the latest updates.