EMCI Register presents: Demystifying CE. An RCD 2013/53/EU video explainer series!

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EMCI Register presents: Demystifying CE. A video series explaining the technical requirements and assessment procedures used by Notified Bodies to assess craft against RCD 2013/53/EU.

The video series aim to explain, in simple English, how assessment and testing procedures for RCD 2013/53/EU work and what you can expect from a notified body when you apply a craft for CE Certification. The videos will offer an understandable overview of a specific area of RCD and explain the main requirments clearly. Specific questions can then be asked at the address of a notified body or extracted from the appropriate harmonized standard, but you are not left completely in the dark. These videos are thus not an in-depth discussion of all specific technical requirements of RCD and the exact technical requirement’s you must comply with. For example, Instead of explain the specific tests and requirements of fuel hoses we will explain the various requirement’s for the fuel system in general and what a builder must know to get a craft certified, like that fuel hoses need to be certified when they purchase them from a supplier, saving them the hassle of discovering that after the fact.

By doing this we are able to make CE marking and notified body procedures accessible to people who operate outside the diaspora of notified bodies and CE experts, who already understand the subject matter because of professional necessity. Once completed, the series will be a useful getting started/reference-book for builders/importers/consumers who are interested in CE certification who might want some more information on a specific subject.

This first video takes a look at a widely performed procedure on faster craft, the noise emissions test. We will be explaining the EU harmonized ISO 14509-1 2008, when a noise assessment must be performed on recreational craft, and specific procedure documented in ISO 14509-1 2008 for performing this test.

We aim to start creating more videos in the future to build up a long playlist of short (5-15 minute) videos each with their own specific focus. Planned future videos will cover at least:

  • Legal marking & identification requirement’s such as WIN Codes, DOC’s and builders’ plates
  • The owner’s manual.
  • The various RCD 2013/53/EU CE modules, what they mean and how they are used. Special attention will be paid to the PCA modules.
  • The rights and obligations or manufacturers, importers
  • The technical requirement’s stemming from essential requirements and harmonized standards used by notified bodies such as for the electrical system (ISO 13297, ISO 10333) and for the fuel system (ISO 10088, ISO 21487, ISO 8469 etc.)
  • The various test procedures required for CE marking, like how to perform a drop test.

We hope these videos are useful resources for importers, consumers, builders as well surveyors who are curious about CE certification. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us here: info@emci-register.com. View the video here: