Renze Dijkstra

Inspector EMCI Register

Renze owns Radar scheepsexperts, CE Inspection company that works with EMCI Register.

In 2003 I started my own yacht survey company, Radar scheepsexperts. Ever since I have been active as a CE inspector for recreational craft. In the beginning, I did this in conjunction with the 'regular' expertise activities but CE certification quickly became my specialty. Due to my experience, I have been able to witness the changing of the regulatory framework and the harmonized standards to where we are today and I can certainly imagine that if this is not your full-time profession it can be difficult to process the vast body of requirements. However, over the years I have learned to approach every CE project in the most practical and (cost) efficient way. Herein I have found a partner in the NoBo EMCI Register. They too think in practical terms and don't make the CE marking unnecessarily difficult or expensive.